Everything about languages of Canada

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Everything about languages of Canada 

Have you ever thought about which languages are used in Canada or about the Canadian languages?

Canada is so much more than the maple leaves and hockey so frequently associated with it; it is a multilingual and multicultural country. Knowledge of the linguistic environment of this extensive North American country is crucial to anyone intending to engage in commerce, scholarship, or tourism in the country. 

Image Credits: Little America 

Canada has two official languages which are English and French. These languages have been used in the country since time immemorial and they form part of its history. 60% of the people in Canada understand English, while French is used predominantly in the Quebec province, in which 22% of Canadians live. 

Language of Canada

Image Credits: Wikipedia 

Nonetheless, the number of native speakers of other languages in Canada has become considerably larger than the one of those, who speak only English and French. According to recent statistics, in the country, more than 200 different languages are used, which is evidence of the multicultural origins of the population. Other regional languages include the indigenous languages that are also commonly used in the country including Inuktitut, Cree, and Ojibwe languages. 

Regardless of the purpose of your visit are visiting Canada for business, sightseeing, or education and research purposes, language is important since Canada is a multicultural society. Whether it be French Translation Services, Medical Translation Services, or any other type of translation, a translation agency in India can help break the language barrier and achieve successful communication. 

Languages of Canada 

Canada is a country of linguistic diversity as is also evident from the population. It has diverse languages which include English and French as official languages and numerous Indigenous as well as immigrant languages. This linguistic diversity can only serve as evidence of the fact that Canada is a multicultural country with a powerful policy in the sphere of integration. 



Being one of the two official languages of Canada, English is used by approximately 60 percent of the population. It has officially been adopted as the medium of instruction in all the schools and colleges of the country and is also significantly employed in different spheres of life such as business, government, and media. English is also the language most commonly used by immigrants relocating to Canada hence is an important language for the immigrants to master. 


French the other official language of Canada is mainly spoken by people in Quebec this region has (22%) of the Canadian populace. It is one of the oldest languages in Canada having been used in this country right from the time of the French colonies. Quebec is a province in Canada where French is widely spoken in all activities, including education, governments, and the business world. As much as English is also used in the province, French is the widely spoken language in Quebec. 

Prevalence of English in Canada 

English is widely spoken in Canada for some reasons such as the historical relation between Canada and Britain and the United States, besides, due to immigration of people of English origin from various parts of the world. English is also used in international companies or relations which is important for Canadians who which to be involved in the global market. 

Canada's Indigenous Languages 

Image Credits: Wikipedia 

Many Indigenous languages like Inuktitut, Cree, Ojibwe, and many more languages used in Canada have their own historical and cultural importance. They are the languages that are spoken by Indigenous peoples and have evolutionally been considered as Indigenous peoples’ languages. But, today most Indigenous languages are endangered because of factors like colonization, acculturation, and low speaker population. 

Thus, it is essential to highlight the indigenous language-speaking people’s recent trend to reengage in the emphasis on the language’s importance and revival of the lost traditions. Various initiatives have been implemented over time by the government for Indigenous people and regrettably, associations for Indigenous language promotion and language program support are also in place. 

Shape Possibilities Through Translation 

In a country, like Canada, interlanguage, and communication are crucial owing to the number of languages spoken across the communities and regions. Interpreters can assist people and companies deal with persons from other linguistic backgrounds hence increasing the chances of effective communication. 

  • Translate Documents: Translate legal, medical, or technical documents into different languages. 
  • Provide Language Interpretation: Provide interpreters for meetings, conferences, or court proceedings. 
  • Create Multilingual Content: Create websites, marketing materials, or social media content in multiple languages. 
  • Support International Business: Help businesses expand into new markets by providing translation services for their products and services. 

LanguageNoBar’s French Translation Services: From Canadian French to Global Languages 

LanguageNoBar is an extensively professional translation agency that specializes in providing the translation services such as Canadian French to the global languages. If you are in need of hiring professional translators and or linguist who offer best translations that best capture the content of the initial text, then you can consult with our team. 

At LanguageNoBar we facilitate synergies with the Canadian ecosystem through our official translations. Translate your text, web site, application, business sale brochure, and other materials to and from French and boost your sales. If you have an international company or need to transition your business overseas, our French translation services make the same possible in the best way possible. 


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