Social Media Localization: Its Rapidly Increasing Need

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In this highly digitalised world, social media platforms have emerged as irreplaceable for almost all the people. People staying miles apart also don't feel the distance because of the interconnection that social media provides. We all are present on social media handles like Instagram, Facebook, X etc. Such Social media platforms help in building and maintaining our social networks and makes us feel more connected to people. These social media platforms have the power and ability to transcend any geographic borders. Such immensely rising popularity of social media apps is leading to an increase in the demand of social media localization. 

Social media localization refers to adjusting the content of social media according to the cultural, regional and linguistic aspects of the native people. It includes optimising the posts, videos and other elements accordingly. Social media localization incorporates optimising the text, captions, hashtags etc. and posting time as well. Posting time also needs to be adjusted because of the different time zones in different countries. The main objective that needs to be achieved through this is to give exceptional user experience to people by making them understand the brand’s offerings with the ease of their own language. Social media localisation is very crucial for giving a sense of credibility to the users and keeping them engaged with the interesting content. But it should not be confused with a mere trend as its need and power is far beyond that. 

Wide Reach - One thing that makes social media a great tool for brands is its wide reaching ability. A survey result shows that there are 4.95 billion social media users as of October 2023 which is around 61.4% of the total global population. This statistics is enough to understand the power and reach of social media and the need for its localization. This is a great opportunity that can be leveraged by brands to enter new markets and expand their businesses. Every generation nowadays from young to old is present on some or the other social media platforms. This helps brands to penetrate into user’s  devices without being too intrusive. Above all this, if the content is localised in their own language then it increases a sense of belonging which improves the interaction between both the parties. 

Sensitivity for culture - Every culture has their own customs and traditions that have been followed from generations. One has to understand that a thing which might be normal in someone's culture might not be acceptable in another. Thus, social media localization adapts to these norms, to not come out as offensive for any community as this can cause a huge blunder for any brand and can lead them to lose customers. 

Social media localization services - The process of localisation can be simplified for brands by a few key agencies that provide app localization services like Languagenobar. It is a Language translation company that provides premium quality app localization services. Having your social media localised by the experts from such professional companies can give your content a refinement that no other machine related tool can provide. The optimization services provided by the company are in various languages like Japanese translation services, French translation etc.

Boosts User retention & engagement - Social media is known for its ability to hook people to its engaging contents for hours. People spend time surfing on such platforms because they find the content relatable and interesting. Having a localised content on top of it, adds more to this experience for users. Content like posts, advertisements etc. localised in native language enhances the engagement of the users with the social media platforms. This in turn increases the user retention rate as well. Localisation of social media also ensures that the viewers resonate more with it. This increases their interest in the platform significantly. Social media localization also contributes much to the discoverability of businesses in the search engine result pages. This happens because people mostly search for information in their own native language. If the social media content is already optimised and is SEO friendly then its visibility significantly increases. 

Businesses that make investments in social media localization have an edge over their competitors. The app localisation services provided by professional agencies helps brands to boost their engagement with target audience effectively. This leads to increased customer loyalty and interest. Adapting to the changing marketing environment is very important for businesses especially at present times if they want to increase their user base. Social media localization helps brands to cater to their diverse audiences by respecting the uniqueness of each culture. One thing that makes this localisation process more unique is its ability to understand the emotions, joys and sarcasm of the people of different communities impeccably. In short, social media localization helps in shortening the linguistic and cultural barriers making this world truly interconnected.

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