Now a days, every company has a website. Website is the first and foremost thing that showcases the company, what it does, its products/services, its policies etc. As a routine, the customer, these days, first checks out the website of any company before purchasing its product or service.
As most companies are going global, thus, targeting 'local' customers is not easy without the local language. A person reading a website in his/her local tongue would be able to relate more to the product than reading it in English (as most websites are developed in English first). Thus, the demand for website localization is on the rise. Many people simply consider website localization as an ordinary translation (as for any other document/technical report). However, as the term website localization indicates, the translation has to be localized to the local tongue.
A website translator must be able to incorporate the local tongue - local culture, local slangs etc in the translation. That is why, when a translation agency in India talks of website localization, it normally asks the particular location for which the website is to be translated.
The language used for professional website localization services should be clear, crisp, have aesthetic sense and should actually be able to stick to the prospective customers' heart. An experienced website translator would read the original content, understand it and then rewrite the whole content in his own words in the target language, keeping in mind the culture and the locale.