Beauty products or commonly called cosmetics are a part of the everyday lives of billions of people around the world. These products range from skincare, beauty, to hair, make-up, so on & so forth. There are a lot of companies worldwide manufacturing these products and selling them to global consumers. These companies have lines of products ranging from everyday and at home usable to products to be applied by professionals at a salon. The prices also vary a lot from regular to exclusive and luxurious. In totality, it is a huge market worldwide. With so many companies in the cosmetic industry, there are a lot of products. So, when there are so many players, the market gets hyper-competitive, and the bars of various challenges also rise to another level. One of the most recurring challenges is the translation mistakes occurring on the labels of the products when adapting them for a linguistically different market. Label mistakes in general are already very common in the beauty product industry. But when mistakes are made in translated labels, it creates a disaster for the company in the new market. Often it results in meaning completely different or opposite of what was intended. And sometimes it makes the company a laughing stock or offensive to the people in the region. Whatever be the case, it results in derogating brand image and credibility in the market. The packaging or the labeling on your beauty product can be the decisive factor for its success or failure. In case you did not already know the factors affecting and how to avoid them, LanguageNoBar – the premium marketing translation company has penned them down for you here. So, just continue with the reading.
Accurate Translations are Must –
Accuracy in the translation of the labels of your beauty product plays a significant role in the overall presentation and marketability of the product. who would not like to have accuracy? But the problem arises when you don’t employ a professional translator for the job. The importance of accuracy on the labels simply cannot be stressed enough. It is crucial to meet the needs, demands, and expectations of the customers, especially when we are living in a globalized world. The significance of things like providing accurate estimated weight and product descriptions in the consumer’s language, cannot be understated. So, what’s the solution? Ensure that every detail about the product and the ingredients is clearly and accurately translated and mentioned on the labels. There are many ingredients that do not suit many people. Not mentioning them could have catastrophic results, sometimes even irreversible ones. Hire a professional translation company that has experience in marketing translations to avoid such scenarios.
Losing the Brand Voice in Translation –
It often happens that when translating a product label for a different market, to achieve accuracy, brands tend to lose their authentic brand tone. Losing your brand tone has direct effects on the marketability of your products. You have to maintain it to ensure your distinctive identity in the market and competitive edge. At LanguageNoBar, we ensure that the tone or the voice, which is a part of your unique identity is not lost in translations. To avoid this, we employ the most experienced native translators for the language. Of course, just having the linguistically native translator isn’t going to work, we know that. But our native translators are also subject matter experts, hence, they know how to creatively translate the labels, without losing the authentic brand tone.
Ignoring the Duty to provide the Guarantee of Safety –
Clear and accurate product label translation is not only crucial but also necessary. It ensures the health and safety of your consumers. With your beauty product’s translated descriptions, you are also obligated to provide other details like directions to use and other important notices. With the power of accurate translation, you achieve a lot in marketing. That’s why at LanguageNoBar, we employ only expert translators who can translate all forms of content with accuracy and consistency. There are so many languages and dialects, therefore, having accuracy in your translations is crucial. The accurate packaging translation also works as a driving force for increasing sales, brand positioning in the market, and overall product success. For this, you need to ensure that your product and its marketing materials are properly translated. You need to avoid ambiguity in the phrases or words when sending a product to a different market.
Shying away from Branding & Localization –
Branding and localizing your products might become necessary after a point. Translations, however, will remain important but it becomes an integral part of localization. You should not shy away from going for localized branding in the market and standing up to your competition. Along with accurate translations of the labels, a little bit of adjustments in color, font, and overall theme could prove to be significant in increasing sales and brand credibility. For this, you are going to need a skilled localization services agency well-versed in all tips and tricks of marketing localization. At LanguageNoBar, we ensure that your brand and product maximize the advantages of holistic translation and localization. With our localization proficient professionals, we put in every possible effort strategically to deliver you the best output.
In addition to the above-mentioned points, there are some small itty-bitty mistakes which you should also try to avoid. Mistakes such as – highlighting the important aspects like warnings or cautions. Also, you need to translate the contact details or the manufacturer’s information in the target language accurately. Some languages are written left to right like English, Hindi, etc., while some are written right to left like Arabic, Urdu, etc. While languages like Chinese are written vertically, hence, while providing these details you need to ensure that they follow the proper language format. At LanguageNoBar – the premium translation company, we ensure that every translated text is consistent with the target language’s requirements. Also, our best quality services are provided in more than 150 major languages and dialects by experienced subject matter expert native translators.
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